Articles by "child care"
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Stroke in the Young

Stroke in the Young

There is what is called a "stroke in the young" where young people 40 and below can get stroke.
In the Philippines, stroke is the second most common of the 10 major diseases. About 110 Filipinos die every day from stroke.
Let's find out the possible causes:
1. Unhealthy lifestyle - Because many adolescents have vices such as unhealthy food, cigarettes and alcohol, they are stricken earlier. Even at the age of 20 can suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. This causes stroke.
2. Rheumatic heart disease - Rheumatic heart disease is a disease in which the heart valves are damaged. The most common cause of this is simple tonsillitis, or infection of the tonsils. Bacteria from the tonsils can move to the heart valve and destroy it. To treat tonsillitis, doctors give antibiotics such as Amoxycillin capsules for 7-10 days.
3. Congenital heart disease - Children with congenital heart defects (ASD, VSD and Patent Foramen Ovale) are also at risk for stroke. Blood vessels pass through the heart and cause stroke.
4. Illegal drugs like shabu and cocaine - Do not use drugs. Shabu is a leading cause of stroke in youth. The shabu increases blood pressure and heart rate. The heart and brain (spasm) are also narrowed.
5. Excessive Exercise - When you exercise hard, you will definitely increase your pressure and speed up your heart rate. Sometimes the "pressure" of the nerves in the brain is out of control and it blows.
6. Pregnancy and high blood pressure - Some pregnancies increase as the baby grows into the womb.
7. Blood problems - There are diseases that thicken the patient's blood, causing stroke. Examples are protein S and protein C deficiency, and polycythemia vera.
8. Excessive Hot Place - When it's hot, many people are stroked. Avoid the sun from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
There are other causes of stroke in adolescents such as (1) abnormal atrial fibrillation, (2) abnormal brainstem (cerebral aneurysm), (3) severe migraine, and (4) oral contraceptive pills.
To be safe, check with your doctor regularly.
Foods To Eat During Pregnancy To Get A Fair Baby

Foods To Eat During Pregnancy To Get A Fair Baby

If you are pregnant, you need to know about the food to be eaten during the first trimester of pregnancy, the food to be eaten during pregnancy to make your baby smart, the food to be eaten during pregnancy for brain development, and the food to be eaten during pregnancy for a healthy child.

Planning for healthy eating during pregnancy is a must, not just for yourself, but also for your kids. If you want to start setting up, you'll learn about a balanced diet that is very important to a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. To learn more, it's worth reading a few simple tips below that lead you to the benefit of yourself and your kids.

Your first quarter If you're having difficulty keeping a balanced diet in your first quarter, well, you're not alone. Some women are able to eat all the time due to diarrhea and to increase a lot of developmental weight. Most people have difficulty in losing food and are therefore losing weight. Avoiding malnutrition and dehydration are almost all important factors in the first quarter era.

Below are the recommended supplements for pregnant women.


Approximately 300 calories should be used more than average daily during pregnancy. The best way to do that is to watch your diet when you're hungry. You'll try to eat as much food as you can from the bottom of the food pyramid.

If you have too little weight, make an effort to consume small meals and increase the fat content of your diet. You always have to feed once you're hungry, because you're eating for two instead of one.


In the next or second trimester, you will need about 1,500 milligrams of calcium a day for your baby and your bones, which is more than a quarter of milk. Calcium is a bit absent from a lot of diets. Side by side with milk, additional high calcium supplies consist of milk products, calcium tablets and calcium fortified juices.


Fiber can help to reduce constipation, which is a growing pregnancy issue. You're supposed to eat whole grains, beans and even fruit. Fiber supplements such as Citrucel and Metamucil are safe for use during pregnancy.


As long as you are a strict vegetarian, your protein intake is not usually a problem for women who have a healthy diet.


Many women are starting to get pregnant with a small piece of iron shortage. Good sources of iron include beef and dark green leafy vegetables. Iron supplements must be kept away as they may cause internal symptoms such as cramping, diarrhoea, or constipation.

Seeing how you take most of the vitamins you need in your diet, you may want to talk to your doctor about prenatal vitamins. Folate is one of the most important ones, and if you get enough of it, you may be able to keep everything away from vitamins. It is recommended that you contact the doctor to ensure that you do so. Love to be healthy with your family.
Baby Skin Care
Baby Skin Care
I have some tips to take care of baby skin. Let us not let their complexion be ruined by our negligence.

1. Do not expose the baby to severe sunlight. We Filipinos have the misconception that we should be exposed to the sun. This is bad. The baby's skin lacks melanin, something that protects the baby's skin from the sun. Because the baby lacks melanin, it can easily sunburn, and break the skin. Keep the baby out of the sun from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm The baby can be placed in a bright spot just in the sunlight and he will be able to get the benefit of the day.

2. Keep the baby's eye in the sun. When you deal with the baby in the sun, his eyes can be damaged and burn. If we adults do not have to look at the sun, what more could a frail baby do? Try wearing a pair of sunglasses and hats when you leave the house.

3. Use baby soap and baby shampoo for baby. Its ingredients are more subtle. Tips & Warnings Do not change the use of soap and shampoo. Baby soap is just for baby's body and baby shampoo is for hair. The soap and shampoo are different.

4. Advice when bathing: Wash the baby with warm water to prevent it from being soaked. Put all the toiletries next to the baby shower. Also remove your jewelry so as not to harm the baby. Never leave the baby alone for a while. He might fall and get into an accident.

5. When the baby's skin is dry, rub it with lotion.

6. Choose clothes that are loose and made of cotton. This is to prevent the skin of the baby's skin and cause rashes on the scalp, neck and armpit.

7. With comrades at home, avoid touching and kissing them especially if your hands or face are dirty. Also, do not criticize the baby for anything. When a baby's hand is dirty with a baby, he or she can grow up and have worms. Let's love the baby in the right way. Clean our hands and surroundings to keep the baby safe.