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Baby Skin Care
Baby Skin Care
I have some tips to take care of baby skin. Let us not let their complexion be ruined by our negligence.

1. Do not expose the baby to severe sunlight. We Filipinos have the misconception that we should be exposed to the sun. This is bad. The baby's skin lacks melanin, something that protects the baby's skin from the sun. Because the baby lacks melanin, it can easily sunburn, and break the skin. Keep the baby out of the sun from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm The baby can be placed in a bright spot just in the sunlight and he will be able to get the benefit of the day.

2. Keep the baby's eye in the sun. When you deal with the baby in the sun, his eyes can be damaged and burn. If we adults do not have to look at the sun, what more could a frail baby do? Try wearing a pair of sunglasses and hats when you leave the house.

3. Use baby soap and baby shampoo for baby. Its ingredients are more subtle. Tips & Warnings Do not change the use of soap and shampoo. Baby soap is just for baby's body and baby shampoo is for hair. The soap and shampoo are different.

4. Advice when bathing: Wash the baby with warm water to prevent it from being soaked. Put all the toiletries next to the baby shower. Also remove your jewelry so as not to harm the baby. Never leave the baby alone for a while. He might fall and get into an accident.

5. When the baby's skin is dry, rub it with lotion.

6. Choose clothes that are loose and made of cotton. This is to prevent the skin of the baby's skin and cause rashes on the scalp, neck and armpit.

7. With comrades at home, avoid touching and kissing them especially if your hands or face are dirty. Also, do not criticize the baby for anything. When a baby's hand is dirty with a baby, he or she can grow up and have worms. Let's love the baby in the right way. Clean our hands and surroundings to keep the baby safe.